• Marquis Of Lorne
    (N519) circa 1879
  • Wild West Caramels
    (E50) circa 1920's
  • Horrors of War
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  • Superman (Gum Inc.)
    (R145) circa 1940
  • Tip Top Space Cards
    (D94-4) circa 1954
  • Mars Attacks
    (R714-30) circa 1962
  • Star Trek (Leaf)
    (R734-10) circa 1967
  • Odd Rods
    (R829-04) circa 1969
  • Wacky Packages(10th)
    circa 1974
  • Star Wars(1st)
    circa 1977
  • Garbage Pail Kids (giant)
    circa 1986
  • Buffy The Vampire Slayer(1st)
    circa 1998
  • Marvel Masterpieces Sketch Card
    circa 2007
  • Harry Potter 3D Autograph Card
    circa 2007
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Howdy Doody: Magic Trading Cards (#10939)
Manufacturer:Burry's Cookies
Year of Issue:Unknown
Issue Type:Food Insert
Country:US (United States)
Categories:Famous Character
Howdy and friends on front. The cards were issued both as single cards and as perforated pairs. Same front images as the Frozen Treats series, the Kraft series and the Colonial Paper series.
Name: Single Card
Qty In Set:42
Dimensions:2 1/8" W by 2 7/8" H
Num / Title / Detail
1:Howdy Doody / Paper Bridge
2:Clarabell / The Paper Sword
3:Dilly Dally / The Interlocking Rings
4:Mr. Phineas T. Bluster / The Expanding Hole
5:Howdy and the Princess Canoeing / The Crawling Coin
6:Howdy Doody Leads the Parade / Disappearing Coin
7:Howdy Doody and Buffalo Bob / Walking Through Card
8:Flub-a-Dub Steals the Show / Magnetic Knives
9:Flub-a-Dub / Two to One
10:Princess Summerfall Winterspring / Wrong Way Flame
11:Howdy Doody Goes West / Self-Rising Card
12:The Princess and Her Friends / Out from Under
13:Big Chief Dilly Dally / The Magic Knot
14:Clarabell Does a Self Portrait / Side by Side
15:Howdy Doody's Air-a-Doodle / The Untouchable
16:Howdy Doody at the Circus / The Disappearing Square
17:Dilly Dally the Snake Charmer / Color Tell-a-Vision
18:Howdy MacDoody / The Floating Needle
19:Oil Well Willie / The Invisible Object
20:Inspector / Wood Through Steel
21:Clarabell Riding the Zingo-Cycle / Magic Strong Man
22:The Princess Playing Her Drums / The Multiplying Digits
23:Senor Howdy Doody / The Balancing Match
24:Clarabell Having a Drink / Pushing a Quarter
25:Dilly Dally Goes Hunting / The Anchored Coin
26:Howdy Feeds Jerry Giraffe / Magnetic Forehead
27:The Princess and Her Doll / Never Seen Before
28:Clarabell's Juggling Act / Rising Match Box
29:Flub-a-Dub Knits a Sweater / The Four Triangles
30:Clarabell and Dilly Enjoy a Soda / Painless Extraction
31:Chief Featherman / Odds and Evens
32:Oscar / Three Magic Digits
33:Clarabell Fixes the Scoop-Doodle / Rectangles on Rectangles
34:Howdy Doody and the Honk-a-Doodle / The Transparent Cups
35:Mr. Bluster Meets Mr. Walrus / The Magic Square
36:Howdy and Dilly Fishing / Forty-Five More or Less
37:Ugly Sam / X-Ray Eyes
38:Pierre the Chef / Making Money
39:Flub-a-Dub Takes a Shower / Psychic Power
40:Howdy Doody's Magic Show / Strong Breath
41:Howdy Doody's Totem Pole / Strong Straw
42:Dilly and Clarabell Play Hide and Seek / Mind Over Matter
View 1 - 42 of 42
2 Clarabell
Name: 2 Card Panel
Qty In Set:21
Dimensions:4 1/4" W by 2 7/8" H
Num / Title / Detail
1/2:Howdy Doody / Clarabell
3/4:Dilly Dally / Mr. Phineas T. Bluster
5/6:Howdy and the Princess Canoeing / Howdy Doody Leads the Parade
7/8:Howdy Doody and Buffalo Bob / Flub-a-Dub Steals the Show
9/10:Flub-a-Dub / Princess Summerfall Winterspring
11/12:Howdy Doody Goes West / The Princess and Her Friends
13/14:Big Chief Dilly Dally / Clarabell Does a Self Portrait
15/16:Howdy Doody's Air-a-Doodle / Howdy Doody at the Circus
17/18:Dilly Dally the Snake Charmer / Howdy MacDoody
19/20:Oil Well Willie / Inspector
21/22:Clarabell Riding the Zingo-Cycle / The Princess Playing Her Drums
23/24:Senor Howdy Doody / Clarabell Having a Drink
25/26:Dilly Dally Goes Hunting / Howdy Feeds Jerry Giraffe
27/28:The Princess and Her Doll / Clarabell's Juggling Act
29/30:Flub-a-Dub Knits a Sweater / Clarabell and Dilly Enjoy a Soda
31/32:Chief Featherman / Oscar
33/34:Clarabell Fixes the Scoop-Doodle / Howdy Doody and the Honk-a-Doodle
35/36:Mr. Bluster Meets Mr. Walrus / Howdy and Dilly Fishing
37/38:Ugly Sam / Pierre the Chef
39/40:Flub-a-Dub Takes a Shower / Howdy Doody's Magic Show
41/42:Howdy Doody's Totem Pole / Dilly and Clarabell Play Hide and Seek
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