Bazooka Joe Comics 1983

Bazooka Joe and His Gang were relaunched in 1983, introducing several new cast members while dropping others. One noticeable difference is that while Mort is still in the gang, he doesn't wear his sweater up over his nose. This series of comics were illustrated by Howard Cruse and issued throughout the 1980s and even in boxes dated 1990, which probably explains why the expected shipping time kept changing. Some sets have 36 comics, some 42 and a few have 45.


Series 83 (4-6 weeks)

1.5 x 2.5

42 Comics, Value 3

Serial Numbers Begin With 83


Series 83 (6-8 weeks)

1.5 x 2.5

42 Comics, Value 5

Serial Numbers Begin With 83

Click on Picture for List

Click on Picture for List


Series 83 (8 weeks)

1.5 x 2.5

42 Comics, Value 3

Serial Numbers Begin With 83

Click on Picture for List


Series 83 (4-6 weeks)

1.7 x 3.0

36 Comics, Value 10

Serial Numbers Begin With 83


Series 83 (8 weeks)

1.7 x 3.0

36 Comics, Value 10

Serial Numbers Begin With 83

Click on Picture for List

Click on Picture for List

--1981----Main Page----1984--